The truth about dairy and dairy products

dairy and dairy products

dairy and dairy products Numerous studies have emerged announcing the importance of dairy products in terms of bone health, especially for growing teens. Research published by the National Dairy Council, for example, found that dairy and dairy products adolescents who consume dairy products have stronger bones and better overall nutrition dairy and dairy products.

But if you think that milk does a body good, new research has discovered how beneficial some other dairy products are essential dairy and dairy products for dental health of adolescents.

A new study published in the General Dentistry May / June 2013, examines how to eat dairy products such as cheese can help in fighting the battle against tooth decay dairy and dairy products.

The participants in the study sample included 68 adolescents between the ages of 12-15. The level of dental plaque pH was measured before and after eating cheese, milk or yogurt without sugar. A pH below 5.5 means that an individual may be at risk of dental erosion, a process which uses the protective cover or tooth enamel dairy and dairy products, which is how cavities form.

"The higher the pH is greater than 5.5, the risk of developing tooth decay," said VIP Ada, lead author of the study and a graduate student in the Department of Dental Public Health dairy and dairy products Optimal Dental College Research Centre and Utter Pradesh, India .

dairy and dairy products Participants were divided into three groups randomly. The first group was told to eat cheddar cheese, the second group was asked to drink milk, and the third group ate yogurt without sugar. Each group ate their products for 3 minutes, then whistled water. Researchers then measured the pH levels in the mouth of each participant at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 minutes after eating dairy and dairy products.

Consumed cheese which showed a rapid increase in pH levels at each time interval, suggesting that the cheese has anti-cavity.

dairy and dairy products Those who consumed milk and unsweetened yogurt showed no change in the pH level in the mouth.

The results indicate that the production of saliva to eat cheese may have caused increasing pH levels. When producing mouth saliva is very natural to keep a reference level of acidity. In addition, several compounds of cheese may stick to tooth enamel and help protect teeth against acid dairy and dairy products.

"It seems that dairy products are a good mouth, said academy spokesman Dr. Rhea Sung-Hebe of General Dentistry, a dentist." Not only are dairy foods a healthy alternative to sugar or carbohydrate-filled snacks can also be dairy and dairy products considered as a preventive measure against dental caries. "

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