No Time For Yourself?

Do you ever say you have no time for yourself? There is a reason I ask. I have had a few interesting conversations over the past few days on the subject of no time for yourself. It has actually really blown me away because in one situation the individual I was chatting with has a huge health issue and yet proclaimed proudly they there was no time so eating processed, packaged, GM, sugar filled junk food was OK!
Let's get clear on a few things first. Each and every person on earth has the very same 86,400 seconds per day. Doesn't change for anyone. How we use that time is what is different for each of us. The choices we make with our time is where the real story begins.
I was going through some of my papers this morning and found this saying, If you don't take care of your Health it will go away! Not sure who wrote this however it really resonated with me in thinking about this post today. Taking care of your health is an activity that requires putting some effort into. It is about creating some new skills that will take you in a direction that will lift up your health rather than the direction that got you to poor health in the first place. The no time for yourself attitude will never get you to improve the skills for better health.
Learning about eating as a strategy for my better health has really forced me out of the no time for yourself syndrome. I had to create time to eat real food at each and every meal. If I was going out to work, going somewhere social I had to take time to make something to bring with me so I wouldn't be caught short and make bad choices that would negatively affect how I felt.
Has there been challenges in moving from a no time frame of mind to taking time to do what is best for me. Yes and these have been skills that I have been practicing for some time now. Learning over years how to adjust to get what is important so I don't get caught short and having to eat something that will do more harm than good.
What skills might one need to improve on?
Planning real food meals - if feeling like you have no time then planning, shopping, cooking a number of meals at one time may be a solution
Practicing cooking skills - take some cooking lessons - will help you improve this essential skill and it might be fun
Reading labels - I don't purchase much in boxes or packages yet when I do I read labels
So we all have 86,400 seconds in each day. Saying you have no time for yourself is a decision. You are saying yes to activities that may not serve you especially if gluten free living.
How do you see the no time for yourself question?
Wendy Bottrell
Health/Fitness Coach For Gluten Free Living

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